Nevada Secretary Of State Marriage Licenses
Subject to change according to the laws of the state of California Marriage License Requirements for Nevada • No blood test. • No waiting period. • Marriage License Fee is $69.00. (May change without notice) Fee does not include a certified copy of the marriage certificate which is available for an additional $15.00. Fee is payable by cash, cashiers check, money order, Visa or Mastercard. Applications are good for one year.
• Both parties must present themselves at one of the Douglas County Clerk's Offices. Appointments are not necessary during regular hours; see above for weekends, holidays or special arrangements. • Adults 18 and older; parental consent not needed but proof of age is required. • 16-17 years old; either parent must be present or a notarized affidavit giving permission is necessary.

Nevada marriage licenses have a one year expiration. Craig shaw gardner lost boys ebook library online. Regardless of which county you obtain the license from, the ceremony can be performed anywhere in the State of Nevada. Only one witness is required. Verify Individual County License Requirements. Be aware that marriage license requirements, in both California and Nevada, will vary from county to county and often change. State of Nevada Board of Examiners. For Marriage and Family Therapists & Clinical Professional Counselors. Agencies; Jobs; Feedback. Board Members & Staff. Board Members. Jake Wiskerchen. Vice President. Roberta Vande Voort.
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• If you lose the license prior to the ceremony, you will be charged $69.00 to reissue another license. • Witness other than minister required at marriage ceremony. • Previously divorced, divorce must be final where granted. Date, city and state where divorce occurred required, but it's not necessary to furnish divorce papers. • Out-of-country, the same rules apply to you, nothing additional is required to marry. You do not need a marriage license from your country. Driver's license, passport, acceptable for identification.