Wine For Dummies 4th Edition
This down-to-earth guide cuts through wine snobbery and tells you what's in, what's out, and what's new in wine. This update of the bestselling For Dummies® classic covers everything from established and emerging wine regions to pairing wine with food to collecting wine. Here's to fun, relaxed wine exploration and enjoyment! Discover how to: Understand grape varieties and wi This down-to-earth guide cuts through wine snobbery and tells you what's in, what's out, and what's new in wine. This update of the bestselling For Dummies® classic covers everything from established and emerging wine regions to pairing wine with food to collecting wine.
Here's to fun, relaxed wine exploration and enjoyment! Discover how to: Understand grape varieties and wine styles Decipher wine lists and wine labels Select, store, open, pour, and enjoy wine. A good comprehensive guide, liked the humor, and the narrator was easy to listen to.
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Wine for Dummies 4th Edition Audible Audiobook – Abridged. Ed McCarthy (Author), Mary Ewing-Mulligan (Author), Brett Barry (Narrator), & 4.1 out of 5 stars 83 customer reviews. See all 7 formats and editions Hide other formats and editions. Carta semilogaritmica bode pdf viewer online. Price New from Used from. The tasting technique for honey is comparable to tasting wine, coffee, tea, or chocolate. Beekeeping For Dummies Cheat Sheet. Beekeeping For Dummies, 4th Edition.

Learned that there actually is a reason to sniff, swirl, and let wines breathe. If not for this guide, I would've dumped out a whole bottle Precipice Pinot Noir after the first sip. It tasted so much better after an hour of letting it breathe. Also learned a lot about champagne that I didn't know, like how 'sparkling wine' IS champagne that's not produced in Champagne, France. I thought they were different. Mind A good comprehensive guide, liked the humor, and the narrator was easy to listen to. Learned that there actually is a reason to sniff, swirl, and let wines breathe.

If not for this guide, I would've dumped out a whole bottle Precipice Pinot Noir after the first sip. It tasted so much better after an hour of letting it breathe. Also learned a lot about champagne that I didn't know, like how 'sparkling wine' IS champagne that's not produced in Champagne, France.
I thought they were different. I probably would've absorbed more if I'd read the book, since I learn better by sight than sound, but it was a great use of my time while I cleaned house in the morning and got ready for my day. Now 'm excited to drag my husband out for wine tastings! Overall this is a good book, worthy of a four star review. The reason for my two star review is because of Chapter 7, Confronting a Restaurant Wine List.
Personal Finance For Dummies 4th Edition
This is the one chapter that obviously is written by people who don't have experience in the area they are talking about and didn't bother to consult with people who do before making some bold assumptions. This chapter is full of misinformation, negative assumptions, and directions on how to conduct yourself in a restaurant that if followed, ma Overall this is a good book, worthy of a four star review. The reason for my two star review is because of Chapter 7, Confronting a Restaurant Wine List. This is the one chapter that obviously is written by people who don't have experience in the area they are talking about and didn't bother to consult with people who do before making some bold assumptions. This chapter is full of misinformation, negative assumptions, and directions on how to conduct yourself in a restaurant that if followed, make for a less enjoyable dining experience. In short, this chapter tells you to be infuriated by a lot of things that are just standard restaurant protocol.
I have worked in fine dining restaurants as a server and captain for many years. Ordering wine at a restaurant and talking shop with the server or sommelier once you have some wine knowledge is a fun part of the experience for all who are involved. It is a shame that this book has the potential to ruin that for its readers by putting a negative spin on a lot of things that are just normal happenings with restaurant wine lists and dinner service. So I'm going to quickly address some of the points: 1. It starts by saying that it is infuriating that wine lists sometimes only tell you the name and price and that sometimes they won't have the wine you ordered in stock that night. Well, if a wine list with 500 bottles had an extra two lines describing each bottle, the list would be so overwhelming and take forever to get through.