Principles Of Marketing By Philip Kotler 13th Edition Pptx
Book Summary: The title of this book is Principles of Marketing (13th Edition) and it was written by Philip Kotler, Gary Armstrong. This particular edition is in a Hardcover format. This books publish date is Jan 07, 2009 and it has a suggested retail price of $217.33. It was published by Prentice Hall and has a total of 744 pages in the book. Philip kotler 14 th edition pdf - xytohury - marketing management by philip kotler 14th edition powerpoint slides the south asian edition of marketing management remains the bestselling textbook in the field because it continues to reflect the latest changes in marketingrketing management is the.
Principles of ManagementPrinciples of ManagementDefinitionManagement is the process of reaching organizational goals by working with and through people and other organizational resources.Management is the process of designing & maintaining an environment in which individuals working together in groups efficiently accomplish selected aims. Management is the art of getting things done by a group of people with the effective utilization of available resources. Characteristics -Management Art as well as science Management is an activity Management is a continuous process Management achieving pre-determined objectives.Management is a factor of production Management as a system of activity Management is a discipline Management is a purposeful activity Management is a distinct entityNatureManagement aims at maximizing profit Management is a profession Management has universal application Management is getting things done Management as a career Management is needed at all levelsImportance Management meets the challenge of change. Helps in accomplishment of group goals. Provides effective utilization resource.

Helps in developing a sound organization.Directs the organization.Integrates various interests. Brings in Innovation.Builds up stability, co-ordination and team spirit.

Definition Of Marketing By Philip Kotler
Provides knowledge to tackling problems.A tool for personality development.Functions Planning Organizing Staffing Directing Co-coordinating MotivatingControlling Innovation RepresentationDecision Making CommunicationLevels of managementManagerial SkillsTechnical skillsHuman skillsConceptual skillsDesign skillsAnalytical skillsAdministrative skillsMintzberg's Management RolesInterpersonal rolesFigureheadLeaderLiaisonInformational rolesMonitorDisseminatorSpokespersonDecisional rolesEntrepreneurDisturbance HandlerResource AllocatorNegotiatorFigurehead - A manager has the quality of inspiring. The manager has authority.Leader Manager leads the team and manages the performance and responsibilities of everyone in the group.Liaison - Managers is responsible for communicating with internal and external contacts. Monitor Manager is responsible for monitoring internal and external environment (functioning) of the organization. Disseminator - This is where you communicate potentially useful information to your colleagues and your team.Spokesperson - Managers represent and speak for their organization to the people outside itEntrepreneur - As a manager you involve in solving problems, generating new ideas, and implementing them.Disturbance Handler Handles disputes and problems. Resource Allocator Manager allocates funding, as well as assigning staff and other organizational resources.Negotiator - You may be needed to take part in, and direct, important negotiations within your team, department, or organization.Classical theoryScientific Management: F.W. TaylorTaylor's Scientific Management (USA 1856-1915): Frederick Taylor was called as the father of Scientific management.
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