Iridology Software And Iriscope Supplies
Locally designed software to complement the iriscope, as opposed to the standard Chinese & Japanese software that has many bugs and lack many of the features. Complete patient management software Iridology chart overlay. Iridology Supplies. Integrated Iridology® products make you the expert! First released in 1998, this is the third revision and still remains the best value for money iridology data software available. The Iridologist Report is based on Integrated Iridology®. This is an ideal resource for self-education or for explaining various signs in. We are the Pro iridology camera supplies and iridology software,If You need them,please contact us. We are iridology camera,iriscope,iridologic camera,iris camera,iriscope camera.Offer different language of software,Such as English,Spanish,chinese,Malay ect.
Iridology Camera

Flashbook - Fundamental Signs A satin finish protective coating on each page makes this an attractive addition to your iridology resources: This 66 page spiral bound set of flash cards is an ideal reference for students, which becomes a wonderful resource you will use every day once you are in clinical practice. Open up meaningful dialogue with your clients. You can use the high quality photo samples to show examples of what iris signs look like and to enhance your explanations. Featuring high quality images opposite effective graphics and detailed descriptions. Terminology has been thoughtfully written with both the iridologist and the client in mind. Some of the classical iridology terms have been changed to enhance understanding. The descriptions of iris signs are based on over thirty years of clinical experience of the author and are explained according to 'Integrated Iridology' concepts, which combine philosophies from America, Europe and Australia.
Whether you're learning, practicing or teaching Iridology, the Fundamental Flashbook will be a great asset to you. Flash Cards - Constitutional Signs Learn how to identify the familial health issues, the personality, the life lesson and the main supplements for maintenance of wellbeing. This boxed set of 37 cards is a wonderful resource for students and practitioners to improve understanding of constitutional aspects and assist you to explain to clients how to be the best they can be. The cards contain full colour graphics of twenty constitutions, each with concise descriptions of the influence of colour, structure and diathesis (additional signs) that identify each person’s unique constitutional profile. In addition, they list A.K.A.’s and identify each type’s primary nurture points and life lessons.
@Anoop, thanks for the reply and the link to the article. Another snippet for me to include in my library. Windows explorer has stopped working.