Firetrust Mailwasher Pro V6.4

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The newest version is 3.4.0 which was released 17th December 2003. How to upgrade: Download it and install it on top of the old version. Changelogs: New Features: 'Restore' function added to the Statistics window (CTRL-S). Users can restore the downloaded portion of deleted emails by selecting the email from the Mail Log tab of the Statistics window and either clicking 'Restore' or by right-clicking and selecting 'Restore Email'. Quick reply button added (Hotkey Q or button in Preview pane / window). This feature launches a 'New Email' window using the default Windows mail client allowing users to create quick replies to messages in the MailWasher window.

  1. Firetrust Mailwasher Pro
  2. Mailwasher Pro Support

Firetrust Mailwasher Pro

Pressing 'Ctrl-Shift-M' will now restore MailWasher from the system tray. Users can set their own 'on new mail' sound (Tools->Options). Added more heuristic options to the Spam Tools system. Accounts Hotkey Changed to F8. Pressing 'Esc' while mail is checking will now stop the operation. Users can now completely disabled message logging (Tools->Options->Summary tab). Windows server 2003 x64 iso. Users can now alter the number of days the Message Log keeps records for (Tools->Options->Summary tab).

Added 'Status' column to the Mail Log tab of the Statistics window. Swapped the Register & Spam Tools buttons. MailWasher's IMAP Session is now flag aware and shows messages marked as 'read' on the IMAP server as 'read' in MailWasher.

Firetrust Mailwasher Pro V6.4

Mailwasher Pro Support

The state of the Show Hidden Emails option is now preserved between sessions. Mark and Unmark all for blacklist option added to the right-click menu on the main mail grid. ALT-T now opens the Tools menu, rather than Spam Tools menu which is now opened by CTRL-T.

UPM sedia 73 program ijazah UNIVERSITI Putra Malaysia Siri 6 - Program Sarjana Muda di IPTA WPM) menawarkan 73 prog­ ram ijazah sarjana muda atau dinamakan bacelor di universiti itu bagi kemasukan Sesi Akade­ mik Mei 2003/2004 untuk lulu­ san Program Matrikulasi, Sijil Tinggi Persekolahan Malaysia dan kelayakan lain yang seta­ raf. SENARAI FAKULTI DAN PUSAT YANG MENAWARKAN PROGRAM PENGAJIAN DI PERINGKAT IJAZAH BACELOR, DIPLOMA DAN ASASI Fakulti Pertanian. Universiti Putra Malaysia 43400 UPM SERDANG Selangor Darul Ehsan Pejabat Am Bahagian Akademik. (Syarat tambahan bagi Ijazah Sarjana Muda Pendidikan) c) a) Permohonan terbuka kepada warganegara. UPM ialah sebuah Universiti yang menawarkan program pengajian dalam pelbagai bidang dan disiplin. Program pengajian yang ditawarkan pada peringkat Ijazah Bacelor, Diploma & Asasi Sains Pertanian mengikut Fakulti adalah seperti yang berikut:- FAKULTI PERTANIAN PG11 Bacelor Sains Pertanian PG14 Bacelor Sains Hortikultur. The Putra Sarjana learning support programme is designed to help graduate students in Universiti Putra Malaysia develop a range of necessary skills that they can apply in their research activities and subsequent careers, academic or otherwise. Besides seminar and workshops that target specific research skills, Putra Sarjana also encompasses. Program ijazah sarjana.

Added several important Firetrust email addresses to the default friends list. Added a 'Clear' button to the Statistics window. Added filter option to disable the Report checkbox (used by FirstAlert! And SpamCop).

The Statistics window now remembers the tab you were viewing last and will displays it by default the next time the window is opened. Added a progress bar to the Statistics window.

Changed the AOL/Oscar implementation so that MailWasher works concurrently with other AOL applications (such as AOL, AIM etc). Added a divider to the button bar on the main screen to separate the Spam Tools button from the other buttons. Changed the mouse cursor when over the Firetrust logo to better indicate the link to the Firetrust web site. Important changes / fixes: Solved the '* NO CLIENT BUG DETECTED: STATUS ' issue occurring with some servers. Mail hidden by FirstAlert! Or RBL should no longer activate the new mail flashing icon.

Fixed the installer overwriting filters in Win95. Fixed the bug where IMAP SSL port settings were being reset every time the dialog box was opened. Fixed the bug where the filters dialog was saying 'Takes precedence over friends list' when it meant 'Takes precedence over blacklist' whenever you opened a legitimate mail filter.

MailWasher Pro 6.5.4. Remove spam from its source before it even reaches your computer. 4.2 (19 votes) 7.11.10 Firetrust Ltd. Review Comments (5) Questions & Answers (2) Update program info. All versions. Mailwasher free x64; Firetrust mailwasher free; Tags.

Fixed errors associated with the password dialogs when you get the password wrong for multiple accounts. Fixed bug where the MailWasher Statistics could log the same message twice.

Fixed an IMAP bug where a mailbox with 0 messages could report an error. MailWasher now properly handles emails that use LF instead of CRLF. 'POP does not conform' type errors should occur much less often. Clear list now clears hidden messages as well. Statistics now works much better with large fonts.