Dawn Of War 2 Retribution Destroyer Mod Install

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Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II Retribution is the Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II stand-alone expansion released on March 1, 2011 for PC. It is also the second expansion, following Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II Chaos Rising which was released on March 11, 2010. The cheating guide below reveals a method that can be used by []. Also delete the Dawn of War II - Elite shortcut from your desktop. These should be the only files installed and should then fully uninstall the mod. If you have the mod installed, you will still be able to play the Retail version of the game. Just use the original Retail shortcut to play the original version of Retribution. Find all the latest Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II PC game mods on GameWatcher.com.

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Dawn Of War 2 Retribution Mods


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Dawn Of War 2 Retribution Mods

Ok, I think this may be the right forum, and I hope I'm not breaking any rules, but I felt the need to share this awesome mod. Essentially, it's just a team that has modded Dawn ofWar II: Retribution to include a whole host of new units, wargear and even the Grey Knights and Tau. In addition to this, they've increased squad sizes by double, more codex like, and increased the pop cap to 400 - allowing for epic scaled battles ala the original Dawn of War. It's pretty epic, so I thought I'd share for those whole want a bit more out of Dawn of War II. As a bit of a disclaimer, I am not affiliated with this mod in any way, nor am I one of it's creators, I'm just a humble Dawn of War fan, sharing it with fellow fans.