Colt Agent Revolver Serial Numbers
Date Made & Model Info. During the mid-1950's the serial number data is so mixed as to be almost incomprehensible. As example you may have a model of revolver made in.22 and in.38 Special, with the.22 revolver serial numbers mixed with a different model Colt, and the.38 caliber version of that model in yet a different model range. The Colt Detective Special morphed through four (4) variations (or series) in its almost seventy years; 1) First series Detective Specials were manufactured from 1927 to 1946, with square butt grip frames through 1933 and round butt grip frames thereafter. 2) Second variation Detective Special revolvers were manufactured from 1947 to 1972.
Real Life 40 Year Historic Value We know the original price of this gun in 1965 to be $110 because the price sticker is still on the original box. I know what I paid for it in 2005 and I have attempted to reflect accurate value points in 1975, 1985 and 1995. I was only five years old when this Detective Special was new and I didn't begin collecting guns until 1980, which brings me to this proposition.
Colt Agent Revolver Parts
Enter the serial number, without spaces or dashes, to search the database. If multiple models appear for your serial number simply match the date with the appropriate model, as certain vintage firearms can share serial numbers between different models. Old Colt revolver When I was a kid my family would go to Mississippi and visit a Great Aunt and Uncle that had a dairy farm. My uncle and dad would sit on the front porch and shoot my uncle's old Colt.32.
The supra-acromial bursa is located on the superior aspect of the and normally does not communicate with the. Since the bursa is supra-acromial, not supraclavicular, fluid-filled masses located over the acromioclavicular joint or distal clavicle do not correspond to supra-acromial bursitis. Diagram of normal bursae surrounding the shoulder joint: (1) subacromial-subdeltoid bursa, (2) subscapular recess, (3) subcoracoid bursa, (4) coracoclavicular bursa, (5) supra-acromial bursa and (6) medial extension of subacromial-subdeltoid bursa. Supra-acromial bursitis has not been receiving much attention from literature and remains described mainly as case reports of presumptive diagnosis with no histopathological correlation.
If any reader out there bought a similar gun between 1975 and 1995, please contact me by clicking the comments and feedback link at the bottom of this page. I would like to share your story and adjust my price chart accordingly if need be. I've stated many times on these pages that my goal is to buy a gun that would double in value every ten years. This.38 Colt Detective Special did not historically meet that criteria. If it had, the history would look like this; 1965=$110, 1975=$220, 1985=$440, 1995=$880 and I would have paid $1,760 for it in 2005. It seems to have tracked well until the mid 80s and then faltered thereafter.
Why, I don't know. But I think there is a good opportunity collecting these guns. Will my gun be worth $1,800 in 2015?
I hope to post the outcome here in 2015 and see. The Colt Detective Special morphed through four (4) variations (or series) in its almost seventy years; 1) First series Detective Specials were manufactured from 1927 to 1946, with square butt grip frames through 1933 and round butt grip frames thereafter. 2) Second variation Detective Special revolvers were manufactured from 1947 to 1972. Available calibers were.32 New Police,.38 New Police or.38 Special. Two or three inch barrels were available. Second variation grips were made of plastic from 1947 to 1954 and wood grips were used thereafter. Wrap-around wood grips were introduced in 1966.

3) Third variation Detective Specials were manufactured from 1973 to 1986 in.38 Special only. These third variation models introduced the full shrouded ejector rod. 4) Fourth variation Colt Detective Special revolvers were manufactured from 1993 to 1995. Dating Your GunQuick Assist Prefix means the letter is at the beginning. Suffix means the letter is at the end.